The Social Origins of Health and Well-being

The Social Origins of Health and Well-being Edited Book

  • Author(s): Eckersley, R., Dixon, J., Douglas, B
  • Published: 2001
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press
  • ISBN: 0521890217

Abstract: This book covers the differential health impacts of socio-economic status, family and early development, changes in work and work conditions, health systems, the physical environment of cities, indigenous peoples, social capital, culture, and global economic and environmental changes. It also discusses how inequality gets 'under the skin', through describing the physiological changes that follow from stress and behaviours. Particularly important is the 'natural experiment' represented by the different political and economic paths taken by Australia and New Zealand over the past two decades and the opportunity this provides to assess their effect on health. Contents 1. Healthier progress: historical perspectives on the social and economic determinants of health /​ John Powles 2. Health inequalities in the New World Order /​ David Legge 3. Globalisation and environmental change: implications for health and health inequalities /​ Colin D. Butler, Bob Douglas and A.J. McMichael 4. Culture, health and well-being /​ Richard Eckersley 5. A general model of the social origins of health and well-being /​ Jake M. Najman 6. Income inequality and health: in search of fundamental causes /​ Gavin Turrell 7. Mediation of the effects of social and economic status on health and mortality: the roles of behaviour and constitution /​ Richard Taylor 8. Migrants, money and margarine: possible explanations for Australia-New Zealand mortality differences /​ Alistair Woodward, Colin Mathers and Martin Tobias 9. Income, income inequality and health in New Zealand /​ Philippa Howden-Chapman and Des O'Dea 10. Equity in access to health care /​ Stephen Duckett 11. Human settlements: health and the physical environment /​ Peter Newman 12. Work and health: the impact of structural workforce changes and the work environment /​ Anne-Marie Feyer and Dorothy Broom 13. Health, inequities, community and social capital /​ Robert Bush and Fran Baum 14. Health inequalities: the seeds are sown in childhood, what about the remedies? /​ Graham Vimpani 15. Family, early development and the life course: common risk and protective factors in pathways to prevention /​ Judy Cashmore 16. Health inequalities: is the foundation for these laid before the time of birth? /​ Terry Dwyer, Ruth Morley and Leigh Blizzard 17. How social factors affect health: neuroendocrine interactions /​ Kerin O'Dea and Mark Daniel 18. Aboriginal health, policy and modelling in social epidemiology /​ Ian Anderson 19. Does our limited analysis of the dimensions of poverty limit the way we seek solutions? /​ Elizabeth Harris, Don Nutbeam and Peter Sainsbury 20. Developmental prevention in a disadvantaged community /​ Ross Homel, Gordon Elias and Ian Hay 21. Rethinking evaluation for policy action on the social origins of health and well-being /​ Beverly Sibthorpe and Jane Dixon.

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Eckersley, R., Dixon, J., Douglas, B, 2001, The Social Origins of Health and Well-being, Edited Book, viewed 15 January 2025,

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