Abstract: People and businesses in remote Australia are experiencing change from multiple sources, bringing both opportunities and challenges. The historically variable climate of, and projected climate change for, central and northern Australia remains a powerful driver of liveability and business viability. While people and businesses in remote Australia have always exhibited an innate capacity to cope with variable and extreme weather, the full impacts of climate are not always well understood. Northern Australia is under increasing focus for its potential for economic development, yet such development faces some critical challenges. Furthermore, if the liveability and business viability of central and northern Australia are to be enhanced, greater consideration of how to thrive – rather than just coping or surviving – in the future climate projected for this region is needed. While there is growing evidence that people and businesses are adapting to extreme weather, there is a lack of reliable locally specific information about how to invest in transformative change that’s positive, strategic and long term. The Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation (CRC-REP) is conducting research to explore the impacts of climate change on the enterprises that are integral to the economy of central and northern Australia. This report outlines strategies to lessen these multiple impacts. The CRC-REP acknowledges that climate change is one of a range of drivers of change shaping the lives and businesses in remote Australia, but one that can be increasingly understood and prepared for to reduce the negative impacts.