The impact of racism on the schooling experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: A systematic review

The impact of racism on the schooling experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: A systematic review Journal Article

The Australian Educational Researcher

  • Author(s): Moodie, Nikki, Maxwell, Jacinta, Rudolph, Sophie
  • Published: 2019
  • Volume: 46
  • ISBN: 2210-5328

Abstract: We present results of a systematic review of empirical research on racism and the schooling experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, focussing on research published from 1989 to 2016. Our review is part of a series of systematic literature reviews on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education in Australia. It attends to diverse manifestations of racism, from institutional and systemic discrimination to everyday microaggressions, and varying levels of analysis, from individual experiences to cohort approaches. This work adopts a critical perspective on disciplinary boundaries and the outcomes discourse within the broad field of education research. Additionally, we discuss the challenges inherent in systematic review inclusion/exclusion criteria related to racism in a field such as education in which racism and discrimination are frequently misrepresented or misreported, for example, as disciplinary and behaviour management issues, disadvantage or as regional and remote education challenges. The review discusses study types and locations, explores how racism is defined and understood and details the effects of racism on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

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Suggested Citation
Moodie, Nikki, Maxwell, Jacinta, Rudolph, Sophie, 2019, The impact of racism on the schooling experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: A systematic review, Volume:46, Journal Article, viewed 03 December 2024,

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