The impact of hearing impairment on early academic achievement in Aboriginal children living in remote Australia: a data linkage study

The impact of hearing impairment on early academic achievement in Aboriginal children living in remote Australia: a data linkage study Journal Article

BMC Public Health

  • Author(s): Su, Jiunn-Yih, Guthridge, Steven, He, Vincent Yaofeng, Howard, Damien, Leach, Amanda Jane
  • Published: 2020
  • Volume: 20
  • ISBN: 1471-2458

Abstract: The prevalence of otitis media (OM) and related hearing loss has remained persistently high among some groups of Australian Aboriginal children who are also reported to have poor academic outcomes. The general literature remains inconclusive about the association between OM-related hearing loss and academic performance in primary school. This study aimed to investigate this association in Aboriginal children living in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia.

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Suggested Citation
Su, Jiunn-Yih, Guthridge, Steven, He, Vincent Yaofeng, Howard, Damien, Leach, Amanda Jane, 2020, The impact of hearing impairment on early academic achievement in Aboriginal children living in remote Australia: a data linkage study, Volume:20, Journal Article, viewed 20 January 2025,

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