The Effectiveness of Indigenous Job Search Strategies

The Effectiveness of Indigenous Job Search Strategies Journal Article

The Economic Record

  • Author(s): Hunter, Boyd, Gray, Matthew C
  • Published: 2006
  • Volume: 82

Abstract: This analysis uses the only existing large-scale longitudinal survey of Indigenous Australians to examine the effects of job search behaviour over an 18-month period starting from March 1996. Job search methods were not generally related to the probability of finding and retaining employment when a range of other personal and regional factors are taken into account. Search intensity (as measured by the number of jobs applied for) had a significant effect on the prospect of finding employment, but was unrelated to the probability of job retention.

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Hunter, Boyd, Gray, Matthew C, 2006, The Effectiveness of Indigenous Job Search Strategies, Volume:82, Journal Article, viewed 11 October 2024,

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