The components of best-practice indigenous education: A comparative review

The components of best-practice indigenous education: A comparative review Journal Article

The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education

  • Author(s): Griffiths, A
  • Published: 2011
  • Volume: 40

Abstract: Currently in Australia there is much activity and expenditure in a field broadly defined as 'Indigenous education'. However, there is little by way of rigorous research that has compared and evaluated different approaches. This article draws together the existing international evidence to develop a set of best-practice components for Indigenous education. The author intends for these components to provide practical guidance for program developers who may currently be developing programs without the benefit of an existing evidence base, while also acknowledging the need to expand the evidence base and continue to refine this set of components to maximise their utility.

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Suggested Citation
Griffiths, A, 2011, The components of best-practice indigenous education: A comparative review, Volume:40, Journal Article, viewed 09 November 2024,

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