Telling our stories in ways that make us stronger

Telling our stories in ways that make us stronger Edited Book

  • Author(s): Wingard, B., Lester, J.
  • Published: 2001
  • Publisher: Dulwich Centre Publications
  • ISBN: 0957792921 (pbk.) 9780957792920

Abstract: The lives and stories of two Indigenous women offering practical ideas in relation to a wide range of issues facing Indigenous Australian families; colonisation; culturally appropriate ways to grieve, to remember and to heal; homelessness; reclaiming family, language and country; diabetes; family violence; stories of survival; culturally appropriate health and counselling services [chapters annotated separately].

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Wingard, B., Lester, J., 2001, Telling our stories in ways that make us stronger, Edited Book, viewed 25 January 2025,

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