Tele-Derm National: A decade of teledermatology in rural and remote Australia

Tele-Derm National: A decade of teledermatology in rural and remote Australia Journal Article

Australian Journal of Rural Health

  • Author(s): Byrom, Lisa, Lucas, Lex, Sheedy, Vicki, Madison, Kim, McIver, Lachlan, Castrisos, George, Alfonzo, Christina, Chiu, Frank, Muir, Jim
  • Published: 2016
  • Volume: 24
  • ISBN: 1440-1584

Abstract: Objective: To identify the current scope of Tele-Derm, the types of dermatological complaints experienced in the rural primary care setting, and to assess the quality of patient clinical information provided to the consultant dermatologist. Design: Retrospective case analysis. Setting: Tele-Derm National is an initiative of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and has been providing online educational and consultational services in dermatology to doctors Australia-wide for over a decade. Participants: Patient cases that were submitted to Tele-Derm for specialist dermatologist advice. Interventions: Audit of submitted cases. Main outcome measures: The types of patient presentations and reason for submission for specialist opinion were analysed. The quality of clinical information provided was also evaluated. Results: A total of 406 cases submitted over 2012–2013 were analysed. Most patients were from the outpatient setting with ‘rash’ or dermatitis (66%). Almost one-third of patients were paediatric cases. The average time from submission to dermatologist reply was 5.5 hours. Clinical photos were provided in 83% of cases and 73% of these were assessed as being of good quality. Management advice was provided in 77% of cases, of which reference to the case-based learning modules on Tele-Derm was made in 21% of cases. Patient outcome was largely unknown (83%). Conclusion: This study identified some of the common dermatological complaints presenting to rural and remote primary care doctors in Australia. The unique addition of professional development in Tele-Derm can be used as an adjunct to advice provided to the rural doctors seeking advice for patient management.

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Suggested Citation
Byrom, Lisa, Lucas, Lex, Sheedy, Vicki, Madison, Kim, McIver, Lachlan, Castrisos, George, Alfonzo, Christina, Chiu, Frank, Muir, Jim, 2016, Tele-Derm National: A decade of teledermatology in rural and remote Australia, Volume:24, Journal Article, viewed 15 January 2025,

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