Abstract: The purpose of this synthesis is to present an overview of the main findings of the ‘People, communities and economies of the Lake Eyre Basin’ project. This synthesis is designed as a stand-alone document and as the keynote chapter in the edited compilation of project reports. This three-year study has developed from the stance that successfully caring for the country and the communities of the Lake Eyre Basin (LEB) depends on four principles. First, it is crucial to better understand the social and economic landscape of the LEB and its resources. Second, effective management of the LEB is underpinned by building effective engagement processes between residents, management agencies and policy makers Third, it is necessary to identify and explore the key human dimensions specific to remote regions that affect the management of the LEB now and into the future. Finally, the fourth is to develop a mechanism to underpin long-term social learning to support the effective governance of the LEB in the form of a monitoring process. In contrast to monitoring frameworks used for day-to-day compliance monitoring, we emphasise that the framework developed in this project focuses on supporting continual learning that needs to be built into ongoing management activities to facilitate long-term care of the LEB and its communities. For organisations that are faced with the unique management challenges of remote regions, and are already stretched in terms of available resources, additional funding may be required The synthesis begins with an introduction and background to the project presented in section 1, followed by a description of the project methods in section 2. This is followed by an overview of the four main components of the research project: a regional profile of the LEB, a toolkit of success factors of NRM organisations, case studies of successful natural resources management (NRM) engagement processes and a framework for monitoring successful engagement processes in the LEB.
Notes: Chapter 1 of Measham TG & Brake L (Eds.). People, communities and economies of the Lake Eyre Basin, DKCRC Research Report 45
Suggested Citation
Measham, TG, Robinson, CJ, Larson, S, Richards, C, Herr, A, Williams, L, Brake, L, Smith, T,
Synthesis of the ‘People, communities and economies of the Lake Eyre Basin’ project,
Volume:45, Report,
viewed 20 January 2025,