Sustainable Land Sector Development in Northern Australia: Indigenous rights, aspirations, and cultural responsibilities

Sustainable Land Sector Development in Northern Australia: Indigenous rights, aspirations, and cultural responsibilities Edited Book

  • Author(s): Russell-Smith, Jeremy, James, Glenn, Pedersen, Howard, Sangha, Kamaljit
  • Published: 2018
  • Publisher: CRC Press

Abstract: ustainable Land Sector Development in Northern Australia sets out a vision for developing North Australia based on a culturally appropriate and ecologically sustainable land sector economy. This vision supports both Indigenous cultural responsibilities and aspirations, as well as enhancing enterprise opportunities for society as a whole. In the past, well-meaning if often misguided policy agendas have failed - and continue to fail - North Australians. This book helps breach that gap by acknowledging and harnessing Indigenous cultural strengths and knowledge systems for looking after the country and its people, as part of a smart, novel and diversified ecosystem services economy.

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Suggested Citation
Russell-Smith, Jeremy, James, Glenn, Pedersen, Howard, Sangha, Kamaljit, 2018, Sustainable Land Sector Development in Northern Australia: Indigenous rights, aspirations, and cultural responsibilities, Edited Book, viewed 14 January 2025,

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