Abstract: Written by some of Australia's leading commentators on the rural systems, this comprehensive collection of essays explores the multiple factors that underpin the sustainability of rural communities in Australia. By addressing themes such as social and economic change, government policy and gender relations, this volume tackles the thematic complexities of sustainability. At the heart of this discussion lies a desire to understand how small rural communities have survived in the past; how they are shaped by environmental, economic and social factors at present; and how these factors will impact on their survival in the future." -- Book jacket. By addressing themes such as social and economic change, government policy and gender relations, this volume tackles the thematic complexities of sustainability. It attempts to understand how small rural communities have survived in the past, what factors shaped them, and how these factors will impact on their future survival. Contents Part I SUSTAINABILITY IN CONTEXT 19 2 Rural communities and sustainability 20 Alan Black 3 Rural sustainability in historical perspective 38 Graeme Davison 4 The state of rural populations 56 Graeme Hugo 5 The changing social framework 80 Peter Smailes, Trevor Griffin and Neil Argent Part II ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY RURAL AUSTRALIA 103 6 Globalisation, agricultural production systems and rural restructuring 104 Geoffrey Lawrence 7 The changing economics of rural communities 121 Richard Stayner 8 Gender perspectives in Australian rural community life 139 Margaret Alston 9 Social exclusion in rural Australia 157 10 Natural capital and the sustainability of rural communities 171 Chris Cocklin Part III RESPONDING TO THE CHALLENGES 193 11 Government policy and rural sustainability 194 Matthew Tonts 12 Community development 212 Iacqui Dibden and Lynda Cheshire 13 Challenges for individual and collective action 230 Ian Gray 14 Conclusion 247 Chris Cocklin and lacqui Dibden
Notes: edited by Chris Cocklin and Jacqui Dibden. Includes bibliographical references and index.