Surviving justice: Family violence, sexual assault and child sexual assault in remote Aboriginal communities in NSW

Surviving justice: Family violence, sexual assault and child sexual assault in remote Aboriginal communities in NSW Journal Article

Indigenous Law Bulletin

  • Author(s): Adams, Rene, Hunter, Yasmin
  • Published: 2007
  • Publisher: University of New South Wales
  • Volume: 7
  • ISBN: 1328-5475

Abstract: In remote Aboriginal communities in NSW when family violence or child sexual assault or sexual assault occurs there is a lack of accessible legal services that can assist such victims. Many rural and remote communities have gone for years without access to a counselor, psychologist or sexual assault worker. The solution lies in government departments and community organizations working with Aboriginal communities . All sections of the community must take responsibility by addressing these problems and removing violence from Aboriginal communities.

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Suggested Citation
Adams, Rene, Hunter, Yasmin, 2007, Surviving justice: Family violence, sexual assault and child sexual assault in remote Aboriginal communities in NSW, Volume:7, Journal Article, viewed 20 January 2025,

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