Supporting Australian gifted Indigenous students’ academic potential in rural settings

Supporting Australian gifted Indigenous students’ academic potential in rural settings Book Section

Handbook of Giftedness and Talent Development in the Asia-Pacific

  • Author(s): Townend, Geraldine, Hay, Peta K., Jung, Jae Yup, Smith, Susen R.
  • Secondary Author(s): Smith, Susen R.
  • Published: 2021
  • Publisher: Springer Singapore
  • ISBN: 978-981-13-3041-4

Abstract: It has been consistently highlighted in Australian research that Indigenous gifted students face many challenges in rural schools. Rurality presents its own advantages and challenges, while Indigeneity also accords additional challenges that non-Indigenous peoples would not encounter during their educational journey towards excellence. It appears that gifted Indigenous students in rural contexts often face misconceptions, inequitable identification practices, and inappropriate or non-existent programming for giftedness. This chapter will draw together research that focuses on the needs of gifted Indigenous students in rural settings, highlighting the potential problems and promising practices in identification and educational programming. We will also provide culturally sensitive recommendations for educators to support the academic potential of rural-based Indigenous gifted students.

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Suggested Citation
Townend, Geraldine, Hay, Peta K., Jung, Jae Yup, Smith, Susen R., 2021, Supporting Australian gifted Indigenous students’ academic potential in rural settings, Book Section, viewed 20 January 2025,

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