Summary Report: Territory 2030 Survey: Remote Indigenous Households & Indigenous Households in Alice Springs

Summary Report: Territory 2030 Survey: Remote Indigenous Households & Indigenous Households in Alice Springs Report

  • Author(s): Paul Josif, Janelle Sigley, Paul Mitchell, Gay English, Danny Burton, Denise Foster
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: Ninti One

Abstract: This report comprises an evaluation of the research methodology and a summary of the findings from the Remote Indigenous Household (RIH) (focus groups) and Indigenous Households of Alice Springs (IHAS) (questionnaire) components of the Territory 2030 Household Survey. These surveys were commissioned by the Northern Territory Government Department of the Chief Minister and conducted by Ninti One Limited. Part 1 of the report is de-identified and describes the methodological development of the research and Part 2 describes its implementation, an evaluation of the research, a summary of findings and a de-identified summary outlining highlights of the findings across the target themes of the Territory 2030 Strategy. The details are provided in the five Confidential Lead Researcher Summary Reports (Part 3).

Notes: produced for the Northern Territory Government

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Paul Josif, Janelle Sigley, Paul Mitchell, Gay English, Danny Burton, Denise Foster, 2011, Summary Report: Territory 2030 Survey: Remote Indigenous Households & Indigenous Households in Alice Springs, Report, viewed 19 January 2025,

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