Submission to the Closing the Gap Refresh

Submission to the Closing the Gap Refresh Hearing

  • Author(s): Indigenous Remote Communications Association,
  • Published: 2018
  • Publisher: IRCA

Abstract: In response to the review questions, IRCA makes the following key recommendations: 1. Governments need to Close the Gap in funding of First Nations led-solutions. 2. Government needs to Close the Gap in engagement of Governments with First Nations peoples through properly funding representative national peaks, representative bodies, and government/sector forums. 3. Government needs to Close the Gap in the inclusion of First Nations leaders in decision making by establishing a First Nations Policy government authority led by First Nations policy makers. 4. Government messaging to be channeled through First Nations broadcasters with local customization of content specific to local needs and issues. 5. First Nations groups be positioned as the key designers, deliverers and evaluators of targets and measures for reduction of systemic barriers to the social inclusion of First Nations peoples. 6. Place based programs should be encouraged; First Nations community organisations, such as First Nations broadcasters to be supported to design and deliver services that strengthen communities across a range of social inclusion measures. 7. Indigenous Digital Inclusion needs to be included in Closing the Gap initiatives. 8. The Australian Government, State and Territory Governments recognise First Nations groups as the best placed, in terms of cultural understanding and engagement, to design, deliver, coordinate and evaluate Closing the Gap initiatives. 9. First Nations broadcasters and media organisations be recognised as key partners in designing and delivering Closing the Gap communications and community engagement. 10. Employment opportunities in First Nations broadcasters and media organisations be expanded through increased funding for positions and training.

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Indigenous Remote Communications Association,, 2018, Submission to the Closing the Gap Refresh, Hearing, viewed 25 January 2025,

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