Students as partners in learning in rural and remote settings

Students as partners in learning in rural and remote settings Journal Article

Australian Educational Leader

  • Author(s): Vaughan, Tanya, Cleary, John, Butler, Helen
  • Published: 2019
  • Volume: 41
  • ISBN: 1832-8245

Abstract: It can be said that leading school improvement in education is, at times, difficult for leaders, students and teachers. However, rural and remote schools bring with them challenges that can be categorised as being unique to their contexts. Considering the importance and influence of student-teacher relationships on students' learning, teachers' intentions to change in response to professional learning and teachers' job satisfaction, it is unsurprising that student voice and agency are becoming a key focus of the policy agenda within Australia.

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Suggested Citation
Vaughan, Tanya, Cleary, John, Butler, Helen, 2019, Students as partners in learning in rural and remote settings, Volume:41, Journal Article, viewed 20 January 2025,

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