Abstract: In 2017, AITSL conducted nationwide consultation into the state of professional learning in Australia, and identified three cohorts of teachers for whom access to professional learning is particularly challenging, namely: rural, regional and remote (RRR), early childhood, and casual/relief teachers. Further consultation with these cohorts was undertaken in 2018, and this article concentrates on the findings related to RRR teachers. By sharing these findings, AITSL hopes to draw awareness to the challenges faced by this cohort in accessing professional learning, including barriers to engagement, a lack of inter-school collaboration, and a strong reliance on external activities. As many of the same challenges were found in another study (Beswick and Brown in Stack, Beswick, Brown, Bound, and Kenny, 2011) conducted over 10 years ago with no significant change, it is important that renewed interest in this cohort of teachers results in actionable solutions for change.