Abstract: This discussion paper sets out priorities for building on the work of the Northern Territory Emergency Response and identifies directions for reform, particularly to improve education for children, to expand employment opportunities and to tackle alcohol abuse. It is a starting point for debate and consultation on new approaches and new ideas. The Government wants to hear the ideas and views of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Territorians, and will hold public meetings and community consultations over coming months. These community consultations and public meetings will give people the opportunity to comment on the ideas outlined in the paper and to put forward additional proposals. All future actions taken by the Government will comply with the Racial Discrimination Act, either because they are non-discriminatory, or because they are special measures. Special measures are actions that the Government takes to help people of a particular race claim their human rights equally with others, and to protect the people who need it most. Throughout the past four years, the Australian Government has been working with the Northern Territory Government to jointly strengthen the way we tackle the disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal people and communities. Service delivery in areas such as education, policing, social housing and child protection has traditionally been the responsibility of the Northern Territory Government. The Commonwealth will continue to support the Northern Territory Government to strengthen its capacity to meet expectations and high levels of need in delivering these vital services.