Strengthening the position of Alice Springs tourism

Strengthening the position of Alice Springs tourism Report

  • Author(s): Moore, S., Schmiechen, J., Carson, D., Boyle, A.
  • Published: 2005
  • Publisher: Tourism NT

Abstract: This report summarises the outcomes from stakeholder consultations undertaken during the first half of 2008 to update the action plan for strengthening the position of Alice Springs tourism. During the consultation process, local tourism stakeholders identified improved access into the Alice Springs region, more focused marketing campaigns and additional tourism product as being the major achievements since the introduction of the 2005 action plan. The core motivators for leisure visitors to the region were perceived as Aboriginal Culture and Art, Iconic Desert Landscapes and the Outback. The core experiences for the region were identified as being an opportunity to experience the regions unique landscapes through touring, camping or trekking. Important aspects of experiencing these landscapes included understanding the Aboriginal artistic and cultural connections to the region and the history of the area from both the Aboriginal and European perspectives. While stakeholders perceived the area as being well placed to deliver these experiences to visitors, further development work was required to meet visitor expectations in some areas. The core tourism experiences for the Alice Springs region are frequently discussed as discrete tourism products or services; however for visitors, particularly spirited travellers and experience seekers, these experiences seem to be different dimensions of a broader core experience of exploring this inspiring outback desert landscape. The updated action plan was framed around the goal of ensuring that in the future visitors actively seek to come to Alice Springs and the surrounding area to learn about the area’s people, history, cultures, flora and fauna and then to venture into its diverse landscapes and to experience these aspects of the region for themselves. It is important to recognise that this report and the associated draft action plan does not cover all the initiatives and programs being undertaken to strengthen and grow tourism in Alice Springs but rather summarises those activities and initiatives raised during the consultation process as being relevant. There are ongoing programs important to tourism that are stated or reflected in this document.

Notes: prepared by Sustainable Tourism Services, Brisbane

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Moore, S., Schmiechen, J., Carson, D., Boyle, A., 2005, Strengthening the position of Alice Springs tourism, Report, viewed 18 January 2025,

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