Abstract: Strategic Environmental Assessment in Australasia provides an authoritative, up-to-date report on the state of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Australia and New Zealand, at a time of gathering momentum for recognition of SEA as a necessary and legitimate part of natural resources management. SEA is the application of environmental assessment to policies, plans and programs. It seeks to address, as early as possible, and on a par with social and economic impacts, what environmental impacts may occur, and what measures should be taken to avoid or ameliorate these impacts. In Australia and New Zealand, SEA remains the poor relation to project related environmental impact assessment (EIA) with the result that project related EIA still commonly takes place in a vacuum of strategic and cumulative environmental assessment. This book examines: What SEA is, and how it relates to other tools; the need for SEA, and how it can influence decision-making; how SEA works, and the principles on which it is based, the different approaches that must be taken, and the methods that may be deployed; and procedural requirements within countries, and internationally. Contents: Part I. SEA and Sustainability: 1. Strategic environmental assessment: an international overview / Simon Marsden; 2. Too deep a SEA? Strategic environmental assessment in the era of sustainability / Stephen Dovers Part II. Legal Frameworks: 3. Strategic environmental assessment and fisheries management in Australia: how effective is the Commonwealth legal framework? / Simon Marsden; 4. Strategic environmental assessment: legislative developments in Western Australia / Jim Malcolm -- Part III. SEA of Policies and Plans: 5. Applying SEA to policy-making: the policy cycle model and the Queensland Policy Handbook / Lex Brown and Tracey Nitz; 6. Requirements of European tiered planning systems: SEA approaches and tools of general application / Thomas Fischer -- Part IV. Links with Other Environmental Management Instruments: 7. Linkages between project-based EIA and the use of 'ad hoc' SEA for Australian coastal development / Nick Harvey; 8. The Oceanport integrated assessment experience: what role for SEA in Tasmania? / John Hayes -- Part V. Applications and Perspectives: 9. The Australian Regional Forest Agreement process: a case study in strategic natural resource assessment / John Ashe; 10. Strategic environmental assessment: a business perspective / Steven Münchenberg; 11. All at SEA? Strateguc environmental assessment in New Zealand / Jennifer Dixon; 12. Conclusions: prospects for SEA / Simon Marsden and Stephen Dovers.