Remote, rural, and regional airports in Australia

Remote, rural, and regional airports in Australia Journal Article

Transport Policy

  • Author(s): Donehue, Paul, Baker, Douglas
  • Published: 2012
  • Volume: 24
  • ISBN: 0967-070X

Abstract: This paper provides an overview of the challenges faced by remote, rural and regional airports in Australia. The deregulation of airports over the past decades has resulted in local councils owning most of the rural and regional airports across Australia. The paper provides an overview of the international literature on regional airports and research directed at defining the issues faced by regional and rural airports in Australia. A survey of airport managers, regulators and local councils was undertaken across Australia to outline the challenges and stresses that regional airports are facing. Core findings indicate that the operation of rural and regional airports is under stress due to the interrelating factors of infrastructure costs, high cost of maintenance, and security infrastructure upgrades. Small airports often compete with one another to attract airlines and maintain their infrastructure advantage.

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Suggested Citation
Donehue, Paul, Baker, Douglas, 2012, Remote, rural, and regional airports in Australia, Volume:24, Journal Article, viewed 19 January 2025,

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