Abstract: Presentations : Day one: Cultural dimensions of homelessness / Kerry Reed-Gilbert -- Measuring Indigenous homelessness issues / Vivien Durkay, Leanne Stromen -- Understanding homelessness in rural and remote locations / Paul Memmott, Steve Long, Fred Spring, Sharon Kinchela -- Urban drift and its impacts on Indigenous homelessness / Camille Damaso, Kelvin Costello -- Day Two : Supported accommodation services and Indigenous homelessness / Keith Clarke, Bettina Rosser, Maryanne Coconut -- Family violence and issues causing homelessness / Muriel Cadd, Greg Telford -- Youth issues panel : Maggie Walter, Margaret Jackson, Emily Gollan, Ann Weldon, Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter -- Ex-prisoners and homelessness / Patrick Torres -- Substance abuse and its contribution to homelessness / Carl Williams and Tom Brown .