NRM capacity building program-planning logic

NRM capacity building program-planning logic Report

  • Author(s): Department of the Environment and Heritage
  • Published: 2005

Abstract: Much of the investment in capacity building is aimed at supporting change - change not only in the way individuals, institutions and organisations "think" but most importantly in the way they go about their "daily business". It is recognised that in order to have any discernible impact on resource condition, investments in capacity building must be strategically and purposefully targeted. A sound program logic underpinning the setting of specific change targets is fundamental to ensuring that capacity building investments are made wisely. Furthermore, the fact that many of the change targets may be non-biophysical and may appear somewhat removed from the "on-the-ground" outcomes that investors are looking for, a sound program logic is particularly important in providing the arguments to support investment in these non-biophysical areas. To provide guidance on the above, a capacity building program logic has been developed which is nested within the broader INRM program logic and embodies four key messages. As well as supporting strategic planning, the capacity building program logic can be used as the basis for monitoring and evaluating the impacts of investments in capacity building.

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Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2005, NRM capacity building program-planning logic, Report, viewed 02 December 2024,

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