National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health: Framework for action by Governments

National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health: Framework for action by Governments Report

  • Author(s): National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Council
  • Published: 2003
  • Publisher: prepared for the Australian Health Ministers’ Conference

Abstract: Goal To ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples enjoy a healthy life equal to that of the general population that is enriched by a strong living culture, dignity and justice. Aims To achieve this goal specific aims relating to life expectancy, morbidity, mortality and the prevalence and impact of particular health conditions need to be achieved. The aims listed below relate to already agreed national performance indicators (NPI -indicated by number in brackets and specified at Appendix Five of the Context document) and provide the basis for measuring the impact of this National Strategic Framework on some significant indicators of health outcomes. 1. Increase life expectancy to a level comparable with non-Indigenous Australians. (NPI #5) 2. Decrease mortality rates in the first year of life and decrease infant morbidity by: _ Reducing relative deprivation; and _ Improving well being and quality of life. (NPI #6-10, 26, 28, 32,48) 3. Decrease all-causes mortality rates across all ages. (NPI #50-56) 4. Strengthen the service infrastructure essential to improving access by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to health services (NPI #15-24) and responding to: _ Chronic disease, particularly cardiovascular disease, renal disease, diseases of the endocrine system (such as diabetes), respiratory disease and cancers; (NPI #41, 43, 44, 54, 55, 56) _ Communicable disease, particularly infections in children and the elderly, sexually transmissible infections and blood borne diseases (including Hepatitis C); (NPI #37, 38, 39) _ Substance misuse, mental disorder, stress, trauma and suicide; (NPI #30, 32-36, 46, 53) _ Injury and poisoning; (NPI #35, 42, 53) _ Family Violence, including child abuse and sexual assault; (NPI #32, 35, 42, 53) and _ Child and maternal health and male health. (NPI #5-10, 25-32, 47-49)

Notes: Make non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health service providers aware of practitioners of traditional medicine in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to foster recognition and respect for their role and skills and an understanding of the complementary roles of traditional healers and western-trained practitioners.

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National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Council, 2003, National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health: Framework for action by Governments, Report, viewed 06 February 2025,

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