National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery: Evaluation 2013

National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery: Evaluation 2013 Government Document

  • Author(s): Australian Government
  • Secondary Author(s): Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • Published: 2014

Abstract: The National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery (NPA RSD) evaluation involved a mixed-method approach with a focus on key components of the NPA RSD outcomes. Undertaken primarily in 2013, the evaluation comprised: - in-depth research with 207 key stakeholders - a survey and qualitative research with 726 community members - a survey of 338 local service providers - analysis of outcome data from administrative sources and Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Both the survey of local service providers and outcome data included an analysis of outcomes in other remote communities to establish whether any improvements are part of a broader trend.

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Australian Government, 2014, National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery: Evaluation 2013, Government Document, viewed 02 November 2024,

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