Markets for Biodiversity Outcomes in the Rangelands

Markets for Biodiversity Outcomes in the Rangelands Conference Paper

Australian Rangeland Society's 14th Biennial Conference: The Cutting Edge

  • Author(s): Gorddard, RJ , Whitten, S, Smyth, AK
  • Secondary Author(s): Erkelenz, P
  • Published: 2006
  • Publisher: Australian Rangeland Society

Abstract: This paper introduces the use of market based instruments as policies for biodiversity management in the Australian rangelands. We discuss the potential benefits of using MBIs and some of the key issues that need to be considered in their design and use.

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Gorddard, RJ , Whitten, S, Smyth, AK, 2006, Markets for Biodiversity Outcomes in the Rangelands, Conference Paper, viewed 14 January 2025,

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