Manipulating feral goat access to water in the Rangelands

Manipulating feral goat access to water in the Rangelands Conference Paper

16th Australian Rangeland Society Biennial Conference

  • Author(s): Russell, B. G., Letnic, M., Fleming, P. J. S.
  • Published: 2010
  • Publisher: Australian Rangeland Society

Abstract: Feral goats are a recognised threat to biodiversity and their management in the rangelands is difficult. Using the dependence of feral goats for regular water, we investigated the effectiveness of strategic goat-proof boundary fencing to reduce goat abundance and impact on conservation reserves. Twelve months after completing fence construction, feral goat indices significantly declined and there were significant changes in ground cover. The management implications of our findings are discussed.

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Russell, B. G., Letnic, M., Fleming, P. J. S., 2010, Manipulating feral goat access to water in the Rangelands, Conference Paper, viewed 24 January 2025,

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