Managing diminishing resources using lean practices in rural hospitals mental health admission processes

Managing diminishing resources using lean practices in rural hospitals mental health admission processes Journal Article

CPQ Medicine

  • Author(s): Mayahle, Brian, Parnell, Steve, Rolls, Rob, Welch, Anthony, Barr, Jennifer, Muyambo, Fumiso
  • Published: 2018
  • Volume: 5

Abstract: Aim: To ensure consistent care for mental health consumers when admitted in rural and remote hospitals and subsequently contribute to the management of regional acute mental health inpatient unit beds. Background: The admission process in Central Queensland rural mental health services has been compromised by diminishing resources and increased demand for the service. This has resulted in compromised provision of consumer care, reduced consumer engagement, poor consumer outcomes and frustrated staff. Therefore, the impetus of this paper is to present the application of Lean practices to the rural hospital mental health admissions procedure, in order to create clear processes and care expectations, to enhance consumer outcomes and rural hospital staff confidence and role clarity when providing care to admitted mental health consumers. If mental health consumers can be admitted safely in rural hospitals, this would address the issue of increasing demand for regional acute mental health inpatient beds, as care would be provided in the consumers rural locality. Methods: The study utilised a qualitative approach through an online ‘survey monkey’ questionnaire to develop in-depth understanding of the perception and experiences of hospital and mental health staff. Key Results: The participants reported that the improved standardised work processes were clearer and simpler to understand which resulted in more efficient service and therefore, increased consumer safety and rural hospital staff confidence to admit and provide care.

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Suggested Citation
Mayahle, Brian, Parnell, Steve, Rolls, Rob, Welch, Anthony, Barr, Jennifer, Muyambo, Fumiso, 2018, Managing diminishing resources using lean practices in rural hospitals mental health admission processes, Volume:5, Journal Article, viewed 18 January 2025,

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