Making visible the ‘space of betweenness’: understanding women’s limited access to leadership in regional Australia

Making visible the ‘space of betweenness’: understanding women’s limited access to leadership in regional Australia Journal Article

Gender, Place and Culture

  • Author(s): Sheridan, A, Haslam McKenzie, F, Still, L
  • Published: 2011
  • Volume: 18
  • Edition: 26 October 2011

Abstract: In this article we proffer the metaphor of a ‘space of betweenness’ to explain women's limited access to leadership roles in Australian peak agricultural industry and regional governance boards. In reviewing the statistics around women's leadership roles in regional Australia, and women's own stories of their activities, we argue that despite women's contribution to their local communities through their diverse roles in paid work, it seems the triple jeopardy of their sex, their location and the nature of their businesses positions them in a ‘space of betweenness’, rendering them invisible and limiting their ability to access many formal leadership roles.

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Suggested Citation
Sheridan, A, Haslam McKenzie, F, Still, L, 2011, Making visible the ‘space of betweenness’: understanding women’s limited access to leadership in regional Australia, Edition:26 October 2011, Volume:18, Journal Article, viewed 25 January 2025,

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