Making and breaking the Aboriginal remote: Realities, languages, tomorrows (a commentary)

Making and breaking the Aboriginal remote: Realities, languages, tomorrows (a commentary) Journal Article


  • Author(s): Gerald M. Sider
  • Published: 2014
  • Volume: 84

Abstract: The concept of ‘remote’ has intensified a fundamental misunderstanding of widespread rural Aboriginal situations. More, it has served to mask the causality for current problems, which will remain intractable until causality is effectively addressed. This commentary re-examines how ‘remote’ is produced, both by and within the dominant state and society and, by means of a reconsideration of demand sharing and long-distance travel, from and within Aboriginal communities. On that basis new kinds of confrontational engagements with the production of remote are suggested.

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Suggested Citation
Gerald M. Sider, 2014, Making and breaking the Aboriginal remote: Realities, languages, tomorrows (a commentary), Volume:84, Journal Article, viewed 07 December 2024,

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