Long-term trends in supply and sustainability of the health workforce in remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory of Australia

Long-term trends in supply and sustainability of the health workforce in remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory of Australia Journal Article

BMC Health Services Research

  • Author(s): Zhao, Yuejen, Russell, Deborah J., Guthridge, Steven, Ramjan, Mark, Jones, Michael P., Humphreys, John S., Carey, Timothy A., Wakerman, John
  • Published: 2017
  • Volume: 17
  • Edition: December 19
  • ISBN: 1472-6963

Abstract: International evidence suggests that a key to improving health and attaining more equitable health outcomes for disadvantaged populations is a health system with a strong primary care sector. Longstanding problems with health workforce supply and turnover in remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory (NT), Australia, jeopardise primary care delivery and the effort to overcome the substantial gaps in health outcomes for this population. This research describes temporal changes in workforce supply in government-operated clinics in remote NT communities through a period in which there has been a substantial increase in health funding.

  • Urls: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-017-2803-1
  • Keywords: Remote health, Remote workforce, Rural workforce, Health workforce, Fly-in/fly-out, Rural health services, Aboriginal, Aboriginal health practitioner, Remote area nurse, Workforce supply

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Suggested Citation
Zhao, Yuejen, Russell, Deborah J., Guthridge, Steven, Ramjan, Mark, Jones, Michael P., Humphreys, John S., Carey, Timothy A., Wakerman, John, 2017, Long-term trends in supply and sustainability of the health workforce in remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory of Australia, Edition:December 19, Volume:17, Journal Article, viewed 14 December 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=12896.

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