Long-Distance Commuting in Australia

Long-Distance Commuting in Australia Book Section

Labour force mobility in the Australian resources industry - socio-economic and regional impact

  • Author(s): Haslam McKenzie, F.M.
  • Secondary Author(s): Haslam McKenzie F.
  • Published: 2016
  • Publisher: Springer
  • ISBN: e-Book 978-981-10-2018-6 Hardcover 978-981-10-2016-2

Abstract: This book addresses the socio-economic impacts of rapid economic development due to a global mining boom. It reviews the efforts taken by communities, governments and companies in Australia to deliver enduring benefits while minimising the negative consequences of rapid growth. In particular, the effects and tensions of new workforce arrangements, worker mobility and condensed mine life cycles on communities and economies are explored. Split into two parts, the first part of the book details various issues related to the socio-economic impacts of Labour Force Mobility and Rapid Economic Growth, while the second part focuses on measuring the socio-economic impacts of Rapid Economic Growth. Chapter contributors have technical and scientific backgrounds which have been informed by social perspectives. They understand the technical and economic spheres of the resources industries and recognize the gaps in the public policy which hinder regional economic development during a period of extraordinary growth and opportunity. The book is a useful resource for practitioners in the public policy, resources, community planning and economic development sectors as well as students in business, regional planning and human resources.

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Suggested Citation
Haslam McKenzie, F.M., 2016, Long-Distance Commuting in Australia, Book Section, viewed 14 January 2025, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=6488.

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