Abstract: The objective of the Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation (CRC-REP) is to deliver solutions to the economic challenges in remote locations and to contribute to the Australian Government’s Closing the Gap agenda of reducing socio-economic inequality between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other Australians, while also accommodating unique cultural and social practices that are important to the people living in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settlements. As part of this work, the CRC-REP is undertaking a longitudinal research project investigating the interplay between health, wellbeing, education and employment in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settlements. This framework will be used to evaluate the impact of interventions and inform policy in these areas. The key research questions of the Interplay project are: 1. What are the relationships between health and wellbeing outcomes and education and employment for individuals and communities living in remote Australia? 2. How effective are targeted interventions in this field? 3. How can policy and practice be better informed by this knowledge to maximise desired health and wellbeing outcomes? There are three main stages to the project: the first (two years) will develop and pilot protocols; the second (two years) will involve data collection; and the final (18 months) will translate study findings and seek funding for longitudinal monitoring of participants. In the long term, this research aims to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living remotely. This will be through coordinated transformative change driven by policy and community action, using the rich knowledge derived through the research as a base.
Suggested Citation
Nguyen, O.K., Cairney, S.,
Literature review of the interplay between education, employment, health and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in remote areas: Working towards an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wellbeing framework,
Volume:CW013, Report,
viewed 05 December 2024,