Laramba Diabetes Project: an evaluation of a participatory project in a remote Northern Territory community

Laramba Diabetes Project: an evaluation of a participatory project in a remote Northern Territory community Journal Article

Health Promotion Journal of Australia

  • Author(s): Tyrrell, Marg, Grundy, John, Lynch, Pamela, Wakerman, John
  • Published: 2003
  • Volume: 14

Abstract: Issues addressed: A diabetes project was implemented with the aims of increasing the knowledge of diabetes risk factors and consequences, and improving the management of diabetes in one remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory.

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Suggested Citation
Tyrrell, Marg, Grundy, John, Lynch, Pamela, Wakerman, John, 2003, Laramba Diabetes Project: an evaluation of a participatory project in a remote Northern Territory community, Volume:14, Journal Article, viewed 03 December 2024,

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