Knowledge elicitation with Aboriginal Australian communities

Knowledge elicitation with Aboriginal Australian communities Journal Article

Australasian Journal of Information Systems

  • Author(s): Kutay, Cat
  • Published: 2021
  • Volume: 25

Abstract: This paper provides techniques for engagement and data collection in researching with Aboriginal Australian cultures, acknowledging significant differences in forms of communication and usage of Information Systems to the mainstream Australian culture. An approach to trust in relationships is developed by interpreting cultural aspects arising from the diverse relationships to technology developed by Aboriginal users. This work uses the existing Honeycomb model for social media development as a base framework for collaborative web systems and online knowledge sharing in the Indigenous domain. We present a series of product development research projects based in universities in NSW Australia, in particular user experience studies, to explain the relationship between the researchers and users and the products that are created in terms of the model. Some concepts and processes fundamental to engagement with Aboriginal Australian communities in the supply of appropriate information sharing technology are discussed in this context. For if Aboriginal people are to engage in IS development, we are sharing the knowledge or the culture that is embedded in the technology which can have detrimental effects. Either we are asking them to enter the culture that created the technology, that is assimilate, or we use engagement in design to change that technology to suit the culture.

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Suggested Citation
Kutay, Cat, 2021, Knowledge elicitation with Aboriginal Australian communities, Volume:25, Journal Article, viewed 03 December 2024,

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