Keeping youth in communities: Education and out-migration in the South West

Keeping youth in communities: Education and out-migration in the South West Journal Article

Rural Society

  • Author(s): Eversole, R.
  • Published: 2001
  • Volume: 11

Abstract: The out-migration of youth is a particular concern facing rural communities. A study of eight communities in the Blackwood region of South Western Australia demonstrates the key role of educational availability in encouraging the out-migration of people, especially young people, from rural areas. The study also highlights difficulties involved in university study for people who do not reside in a metropolitan area. Finally, the study suggests three possible ways that access to educational services can be increased for people in rural towns: via innovative delivery styles, diversification of the client base, and differentiation of educational products.

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Suggested Citation
Eversole, R., 2001, Keeping youth in communities: Education and out-migration in the South West, Volume:11, Journal Article, viewed 18 January 2025,

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