Abstract: The Northern Australia Research Alliance (the Alliance) is a collaborative alliance between the Regional Australia Institute (RAI) and northern universities, James Cook University (JCU), Central Queensland University (CQU), the University of Notre Dame Australia (UNDA) and Ninti One. The RAI has worked with the Alliance to develop papers on a range of topics relating to the Commonwealth Government’s Green Paper on Northern Australia. Papers explore the themes of health, human services, tourism, agriculture, education, defence, climate change, land tenure and economic equity and major development. Contributed papers: Understanding the characteristics of remote Northern Australia for successful policy development: Jan Ferguson and Apolline Kohen Underpinning development: Health and health workforce in northern Australia: SR Davies, MS Alex Edelman and Dr Felicity Croker The relationship between workforce mobility, liveability and development in northern Australia: John Rolfe Human Services sector development in northern Australia: Hurriyet Babacan What type of future for northern Australia’s tourism sector?: Bruce Prudeaux Northern Australia Agriculture Policy: Opportunities and Risks: Jim Turnour Themes in development of the agricultural and resource sectors in Northern Australia: John Rolfe Education futures in northern Australia: Sue McGinty, Claire Campbell, Margaret Carter and Helen McDonald Re-imagining post-secondary education as a driver of social and economic development in northern Australia: Drew Dawson, Denise Wood, Marie Brennan and Helen Huntley Defence in the three tropical cities: How to sustainably seize the potential?: Riccardo Welters What climate change and cyclones mean for northern Australia: Steve Turton Economic equity and major development: Natalie Stoeckl Land Tenure and development in northern Australia: Allan Dale and Bruce Taylor Aboriginal Local Government and Community Sector Partnerships – sustainable employment in northern Development: Patrick Sullivan
Suggested Citation
Regional Australia Institute, James Cook University, Central Queensland University, University of Notre Dame and Ninti One Limited,
Joint submission to the Northern Australia Taskforce Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,
viewed 14 January 2025,