It’s a long way from the office to the creek bed: Remote area mental health nursing in Australia

It’s a long way from the office to the creek bed: Remote area mental health nursing in Australia Journal Article

Journal of Transcultural Nursing

  • Author(s): O'Brien, Louise M., Jackson, Debra
  • Published: 2007
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc
  • Volume: 18
  • ISBN: 1043-6596

Abstract: Mental health nursing in remote Australian Aboriginal communities provides opportunities and challenges unique from other experiences of nursing. The purpose of this article was to explore how mental health nurses experience working in remote communities and how they developed relevant knowledge and skills. Six remote area mental health nurses participated in audiotaped conversational style interviews. Narratives were transcribed and analyzed thematically. Themes identified were being focused on relationships, adapting to the culture, struggling with two contexts, being enraptured by place, and being transformed. The participants adapted and developed ways of working at the interface of another culture and also derived personal and professional benefit from the experience.

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Suggested Citation
O'Brien, Louise M., Jackson, Debra, 2007, It’s a long way from the office to the creek bed: Remote area mental health nursing in Australia, Volume:18, Journal Article, viewed 07 December 2024,

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