Integrating Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Science in Natural Resource Management: Perspectives from Australia

Integrating Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Science in Natural Resource Management: Perspectives from Australia Generic

Ecology and Society - Special Feature

  • Author(s): Erin Bohensky, James Butler, Jocelyn Davies (Eds),
  • Published: 2013

Abstract: Australian Aboriginal Peoples’ Seasonal Knowledge: a Potential Basis for Shared Understanding in Environmental Management – Suzanne M Prober, Michael H O'Connor, and Fiona J Walsh Is Validation of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge a Disrespectful Process? A Case Study of Traditional Fishing Poisons and Invasive Fish Management from the Wet Tropics, Australia – Monica Gratani, James R. A. Butler, Frank Royee, Peter Valentine, Damien Burrows, Warren I. Canendo, and Alex S Anderson A Typology of Indigenous Engagement in Australian Environmental Management: Implications for Knowledge Integration and Social-ecological System Sustainability – Rosemary Hill, Chrissy Grant, Melissa George, Catherine J Robinson, Sue Jackson, and Nick Abel Boundary Work: Engaging Knowledge Systems in Co-management of Feral Animals on Indigenous Lands – Catherine J Robinson and Tabatha J Wallington Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Fisheries Management in the Torres Strait, Australia: the Catalytic Role of Turtles and Dugong as Cultural Keystone Species – James R. A. Butler, Alifereti Tawake, Tim Skewes, Lavenia Tawake, and Vic McGrath Innovation in Management Plans for Community Conserved Areas: Experiences from Australian Indigenous Protected Areas – Jocelyn Davies, Rosemary Hill, Fiona J Walsh, Marcus Sandford, Dermot Smyth, and Miles C Holmes Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Resilience: What Have We Learned from a Decade of International Literature on “Integration”? Erin L Bohensky and Yiheyis Maru Anpernirrentye: a Framework for Enhanced Application of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge in Natural Resource Management – Fiona J. Walsh, Perrurle V. Dobson, and Josie C. Douglas Law for Country: the Structure of Warlpiri Ecological Knowledge and Its Application to Natural Resource Management and Ecosystem Stewardship – Miles C. C. Holmes and Wanta (Stephen Patrick) Jampijinpa Integrating Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Science in Natural Resource Management: Perspectives from Australia – Erin L. Bohensky, James R. A. Butler and Jocelyn Davies

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Erin Bohensky, James Butler, Jocelyn Davies (Eds),, 2013, Integrating Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Science in Natural Resource Management: Perspectives from Australia, Generic, viewed 04 December 2024,

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