Institutional vehicles for place-shaping in remote Australia

Institutional vehicles for place-shaping in remote Australia Journal Article

Space and Polity

  • Author(s): Boyd Blackwell, Brian Dollery, Bligh James
  • Published: 2015
  • Volume: 19

Abstract: Some communities in remote Australia represent the most impoverished people in the country, with the problem especially acute amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Effective remedial intervention is often undermined by the absence of democratically elected, local government institutions. Place-shaping as a developmental process enables local people to become agents of change, and thereby self-determine and shape their places for the future. This paper considers the different institutional structures which could underpin place-shaping in remote settlements. Drawing on a range of governance structures, an emphasis on less traditional entities and polity-forming bodies may better serve the interests of remote people.

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Suggested Citation
Boyd Blackwell, Brian Dollery, Bligh James, 2015, Institutional vehicles for place-shaping in remote Australia, Volume:19, Journal Article, viewed 07 December 2024,

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