Insider research: Articulating the voices of women schooling their children in remote Queensland, Australia

Insider research: Articulating the voices of women schooling their children in remote Queensland, Australia Book Section

Researching Within the Educational Margins: Strategies for Communicating and Articulating Voices

  • Author(s): McInnerney, Marlyn
  • Secondary Author(s): Mulligan, Deborah L., Danaher, Patrick Alan
  • Published: 2020
  • Publisher: Springer International Publishing
  • ISBN: 978-3-030-48845-1

Abstract: Families in remote Queensland, Australia, face a range of challenges, including the education of their children. The question of education strategies was included in the semi-structured interviews conducted with the women. The education of their children emerged as a major concern.

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McInnerney, Marlyn, 2020, Insider research: Articulating the voices of women schooling their children in remote Queensland, Australia, Book Section, viewed 18 January 2025,

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