Indigenous Research Reform Agenda: A review of the literature

Indigenous Research Reform Agenda: A review of the literature Report

Links Monograph Series

  • Author(s): Henry, J, Dunbar, T , Arnott, A, Scrimgeour, M, Murakami-Gold, L
  • Published: 2004
  • Publisher: Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal & Tropical Health (CRCATH)

Abstract: This paper summaries the results of a LINKS research initiative begun in June 2000 to investigate the effectiveness of CRCATH procedures associated with undertaking research, managing research and disseminating research findings. The internal research project aimed to identify ways to increase the benefit of the CRCATHs research to Indigenous peoples. Key barriers were identified as power imbalances between Indigenous and non-Indigenous research stakeholders, the primacy accorded Western research traditions, the undervaluing of Indigenous Knowledge and the investigator-driven approach to research. Among its findings, the paper identified a need to foster more community involvement in research programs and to incorporate Indigenous research methodologies within CRCATH research.

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Henry, J, Dunbar, T , Arnott, A, Scrimgeour, M, Murakami-Gold, L, 2004, Indigenous Research Reform Agenda: A review of the literature, Report, viewed 07 December 2024,

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