Indigenous Land and Sea Management and Sustainable Business Development in Northern Australia

Indigenous Land and Sea Management and Sustainable Business Development in Northern Australia Report

  • Author(s): Rachel Armstrong, Joe Morrison, Peter Yu
  • Published: 2012
  • Publisher: North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd. (NAILSMA)

Abstract: Indigenous people have had a presence for thousands of years throughout Australia, and have in the process, developed a sustainable society based on close connections to both terrestrial and marine environments. In recent times, the colonisation of Australia, has left the Indigenous people marginalized and often subject to entrenched poverty. Nonetheless, across northern Australia, an area of over 2 million square kilometres, people have gained some of their country back and are now the majority resident population, although still subject to exist largely on welfare handouts and other benefits. The North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance is examining the development of innovative business development across the north based on strong foundations of culture, land and people for future generations to come. This paper will discuss the developments, highlight the greenhouse abatement opportunities and mention the ‘culture based economy’.

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Rachel Armstrong, Joe Morrison, Peter Yu, 2012, Indigenous Land and Sea Management and Sustainable Business Development in Northern Australia, Report, viewed 14 December 2024,

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