Indigenous Family Violence (IFVP): The Cross Borders experience

Indigenous Family Violence (IFVP): The Cross Borders experience Conference Paper

Probation and Community Corrections Officers' Association Incorporated National Conference

  • Author(s): Pearce, G, Wright, G
  • Published: 2007

Abstract: This project focuses upon the Pitjantjatjara-, Yankunytjatjara-, and Ngaanyatjarra-speaking communities in Central Australia, located in the region known as the NPY Lands. This target group forms a large part of the cross border region of South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia as defined by the Justice Departments in the three contributing jurisdictions in the context of the Cross-Border Justice Project. The lead agency is the South Australian Department of Correctional Services.

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Pearce, G, Wright, G, 2007, Indigenous Family Violence (IFVP): The Cross Borders experience, Conference Paper, viewed 18 January 2025,

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