Indigenous Business Prequalification Toolkit

Indigenous Business Prequalification Toolkit Report

  • Author(s): Indigenous Business Australia
  • Published: 2013

Abstract: The IBA Indigenous Prequalification Toolkit is designed to help Indigenous businesses seeking to prequalify as contractors in the Australian resources sector. This Toolkit may be used by: • individual businesses themselves to help develop or refine their internal systems and procedures; • Indigenous business owners attending IBA’s Prequalification Workshops; or • business mentors who are assisting Indigenous businesses seeking prequalification in the resource sector. The need for the Toolkit and business mentoring support was established following a scoping review undertaken in 2012 which sought to confirm, through consultation with Indigenous businesses and resource companies, how IBA could be more effective in supporting Indigenous businesses seeking to work in the resource sector. The Toolkit has been produced in consultation with representatives of a number of mining and oil and gas companies, Indigenous businesses, peak bodies and government agencies. The Toolkit is focussed on small and medium sized Indigenous businesses that are seeking to work in the resource sector.

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Indigenous Business Australia, 2013, Indigenous Business Prequalification Toolkit, Report, viewed 10 December 2024,

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