Abstract: Key Recommendations Recommendation 4 The committee recommends that the Commonwealth establish a new infrastructure fund to assist Indigenous visual arts and craft; that this fund complement existing NACIS program funding; that this infrastructure fund be for a sum of the order of $25 million, made available over a period of five years; and that the fund be administered by DCITA. Recommendation 6 The committee recommends that the Commonwealth further expand funding under the existing NACIS scheme and consider revising its guidelines to confine its use to non-infrastructure projects. Recommendation 8 The committee recommends that, in light of the special circumstances facing Indigenous artists in the Alice Springs area, a proposal be developed, including a funding bid, for an art centre in Alice Springs that will cater for artists visiting the town from surrounding settlements. Recommendation 15 The committee recommends that, as a matter of priority, the ACCC be funded to increase its scrutiny of the Indigenous art industry, including conducting educational programs for consumers as well as investigation activities, with a goal of increasing successful prosecutions of illegal practices in the industry. Recommendation 17 The committee recommends that that Indigenous Art Commercial Code of Conduct be completed as soon as possible. Recommendation 18 The committee recommends that, once completed, all Commonwealth, state and territory agencies apply the Indigenous Art Commercial Code of Conduct where appropriate, including when purchasing Indigenous art (see also recommendations 23, chapter 10 and 28, chapter 14). Recommendation 20 The committee recommends that, once completed, all stakeholders in the industry examine, disseminate and adopt where relevant the Indigenous Art Commercial Code of Conduct. Recommendation 21 The committee recommends that the industry be given the opportunity to selfregulate. If after two years persistent problems remain, consideration should be given to moving to a prescribed code of conduct under the Trade Practices Act. Recommendation 24 The committee recommends that as a matter of priority the government introduce revised legislation on Indigenous communal moral rights. Recommendation 29 The committee recommends that the Commonwealth support increased efforts to showcase Indigenous visual arts and craft internationally.