Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Homicides in Australia: A Comparative Analysis

Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Homicides in Australia: A Comparative Analysis Report

Trends & Issues in crime and criminal justice

  • Author(s): Mouzos, J
  • Published: 2001
  • Publisher: Australian Institute of Criminology

Abstract: This paper examines the similarities and differences between Indigenous and non-Indigenous homicides in Australia during an 11-year period. The findings suggest that the “typical” Indigenous homicide in Australia differed from other homicides in important ways. Indigenous homicides were more likely to occur within the family environment, with a high proportion of female involvement (both as victims and offenders). Many of the incidents resulted from some form of domestic altercation. Alcohol was found to play a major role—just over four out of five Indigenous homicides involved either the victim or the offender, or both, drinking at the time of the incident. Knives were the most common weapon of choice, with firearms used in less than six per cent of homicides. Indigenous homicides involving strangers were found to be exceptionally rare. These findings can be used to achieve more informed and sound policy directions in the reduction and prevention of lethal violence for Indigenous Australians.

Research Notes: Although the statistics are imperfect, they are sufficent to demonstrate the disproportionate occurence of violence in the Indigenous communities of Australia and the traumatic impact on Indigenous people.

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Mouzos, J, 2001, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Homicides in Australia: A Comparative Analysis, Report, viewed 24 January 2025,

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