India radiating, Australia disposing? Nuclear waste and Indigenous resistance

India radiating, Australia disposing? Nuclear waste and Indigenous resistance Journal Article

Journal of the European Association for Studies in Australia

  • Author(s): Giffard-Foret, Paul
  • Published: 2017
  • Volume: 8

Abstract: This article deals with an aspect of the nuclear fuel cycle, namely nuclear waste, by examining a recent proposal by the South Australian government to host an international high-level nuclear waste underground permanent repository in its “desert” outback region. The rub, though, is that the outback is no desert but has been the ancestral home of Aboriginal peoples for thousands of years and continues to be so, despite the disruptive effects of British colonialism. The article interrogates India’s stake in the proposal and the revival of Australia’s pro-nuclear lobby. In 2007, the Australian Liberal Party“unanimously endorsed a resolution supporting the establishment of a foreign nuclear waste dump ... in the geotechnically stable and remote areas that Australia has to offer” (Green, “Why Australia”). Australia, one of the world’s main uranium suppliers, and India’s fast-growing economy, with its emerging nuclear energy, uranium-hungry policy, are bound to engage with one another. But this would mean forgetting about a long history of antinuclear indigenous resistance on both sides of the Indian Ocean, demanding the recognition of native land rights and an end to “radioactive racism.”

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Suggested Citation
Giffard-Foret, Paul, 2017, India radiating, Australia disposing? Nuclear waste and Indigenous resistance, Volume:8, Journal Article, viewed 02 December 2024,

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