Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nutrition and health

Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nutrition and health Journal Article

Medical Journal of Australia

  • Author(s): Lee, A., Leonard, D., Moloney, A., Minniecon, L.
  • Published: 2009
  • Volume: 190

Abstract: “Best buys” to improve Indigenous nutrition and health 1. Continue and expand the reach of successful interventions - Increase demand for healthy food • Brief nutrition interventions and early interventions in primary care, including “well persons” health checks and follow-up action • Prenatal, antenatal and postnatal nutrition programs; culturally appropriate infant growth assessment and action programs; and promoting breastfeeding and appropriate introduction of solid foods • School-based nutrition-promotion projects, and community food-literacy and budgeting projects - Improve supply of healthy food • Use of resources developed by the Remote Indigenous Stores and Takeaways Project10 to improve store management practices, and transport and stocking of healthy food • Local food gardens and traditional food procurement projects - Increase capacity to achieve the interventions given above • Train and employ an Indigenous nutrition workforce • Improve housing, including food-storage, preparation and cooking facilities • Develop a national, coordinated monitoring and surveillance system for food and nutrition 2. Trial economic interventions for widespread roll-out, if successful • Food supplementation for women, infants and children • Free fruit and vegetables for remote schools and other settings • Freight subsidies for getting basic healthy foods to remote areas • In-store price “mark-up” of less healthy items, and lower price margins on healthier foods • Expansion of the current national differential taxation system to further favour competitive retail pricing of healthy foods

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Lee, A., Leonard, D., Moloney, A., Minniecon, L., 2009, Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nutrition and health, Volume:190, Journal Article, viewed 03 December 2024,

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