Impact of future climate scenarios on pasture production and livestock enterprises in western NSW

Impact of future climate scenarios on pasture production and livestock enterprises in western NSW Conference Paper

17th Australian Rangeland Society Biennial Conference

  • Author(s): Atkinson, T.L., Smith, W.J.
  • Published: 2012
  • Publisher: Australian Rangeland Society

Abstract: This paper explores the impact of future climate scenarios on pasture and livestock production at five locations in western NSW. Outputs of climate and pasture models, simulating future pasture production are presented. The approach uses daily weather values, generated by downscaling historical data that statistically represent future climate as projected by four global circulation models (GCMs). These weather values are used in GRASP, with and without adjustments for increased atmospheric CO2, to model pasture growth scenarios. The work explores the direction and feasible range of change and what it will mean for livestock production.

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Suggested Citation
Atkinson, T.L., Smith, W.J., 2012, Impact of future climate scenarios on pasture production and livestock enterprises in western NSW, Conference Paper, viewed 05 December 2024,

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